This table contains definitions of insurance and policy specific messages.
The insevalpolmsg permission must be assigned to enable this functionality. The message will display as the user exits the policy number field in the application if the insurance code and content of the policy number matches the definitions.
There can be more than one message per insurance.
If multiple values need to be compared with an “OR” statement for one insurance code, then more than one record should be created for the same insurance code. Each record will be evaluated separately and if the condition matches then that message will be displayed. When more than one message applies, the messages to display will be combined together into one message prompt.
Field | Type | Notes |
Ins_PolMsg_ID |
bigint |
ID field, a counter. Unique |
InsCode |
varchar(50) |
Insurance code. Enter a valid insurance code. |
PolicyContainsText |
varchar(50) |
String(s) of text to be search for in the policy number. This is a ‘policy number contains’ search. Multidimensional pipe delimited value, with leading and trailing pipes. Enter the search strings, separated by pipes. For this message to display, every search string must be present. IE: |an|455| Policy AN123455 will show message Policy AN454123 will not show message |
UserMessage |
varchar(255) |
Enter the message to display if all pipe delimited strings from PolicyContainsText field above are present in the policy number. |
CreateDate |
datetime |
Date record was created. Informational |
CreateUser |
varchar(50) |
User who created record. Informational |
EditDate |
datetime |
Date record was last edited. Informational |
EditUser |
varchar(50) |
User who last edited record. Informational |